Dawn of the Black Millennium


Ensemble of primary characters:

The Imperial Family:

Queen Amethyst
Princess Topaz
Princess Beryl


Lord Hydron



Click here for a map of the ancient Negaverse.
The installments of the trilogy:

Part I: The Handover

Part II: The First Move

Part III: Armageddon

This is the story of the Negaverse before Queen Beryl or Queen Metallia or any of their little conflicts with Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts. Some of the story contains mature subject matter which may be unsuitable for those under 13, but if you think you can handle it, read on. I'd love to hear what you think of it--if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for revisions, please let me know. Also, if you think "Dawn of the Black Millennium" is worthy of any awards, please tell me which ones and how this story can receive them.

When you are done, please check out Sailors International: home of a new generation of Sailor Scouts.

Imperial Family | Onyx | Lord Hydron | Imperial Guards | Map
Part I: The Handover | Part II: The First Move | Part III: Armageddon
guestbook | e-mail | Go to Sailors International | Ahchoo! Cyberduck XP
"Dawn of the Black Millennium" and all related materials are original ideas by Cyberduck XP, but are based on "Sailor Moon" by Naoko Takeuchi. All references to "Sailor Moon" are copyrighted by Toei Animation, DIC, and respective trademark owners.

All thoughts and ideas expressed on this page are the intellectual properties of Evan M. Parris & DuckieWorks International, Ltd.-© 1998. All other images are trademarked by their respective owners.