Dawn of the Black Millennium

FRONT to BACK: Negris Prime, Xenon, Yttebius, Argon, Vanadus, Exo Negris

Planet Descriptions:

Negris Prime:
a black planet with silver and gold rings

The larget planet in the sector, home to the Imperial Family, and headquarters of all localized Negaverse affairs.

a mostly blue, brittle planet

A residential colony, inhabited by people who wish to remain far away from the violence and politics in the rest of the system.

A large yellow and brown planet

A dry, cold, desert planet that functions as a trading post for the rest of the system. Lawlessness and corruption rule here.

A somewhat gaseous, red planet

A high-security planet dedicated to protecting the Imperial Family and similar concerns. The distant outpost of Negris prime.

A swampy, dense, green planet

This planet, full of trees and vegetation, is where Lord Hydron makes his home. With the exeption of a few animals, this world is his to experiment with.

Exo Negris:
A tiny black planet far away from the others

This previously uninhabited planet is where Onyx was sent to live out the rest of his exiled existence.

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Imperial Family | Onyx | Lord Hydron | Imperial Guards | Map
Part I: The Handover | Part II: The First Move | Part III: Armageddon
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"Dawn of the Black Millennium" and all related materials are original ideas by Cyberduck XP, but are based on "Sailor Moon" by Naoko Takeuchi. All references to "Sailor Moon" are copyrighted by Toei Animation, DIC, and respective trademark owners.

All thoughts and ideas expressed on this page are the intellectual properties of Evan M. Parris & DuckieWorks International, Ltd.-© 1998. All other images are trademarked by their respective owners.