Onyx & Cosmo

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Ahchoo! Cyberduck XP

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The Sailor Pages
Age: ?
Birthday: ?
Favorite university subject: N/A
Worst university subject: N/A
Favorite food: Pasta
Least favorite food: Penguin (don't ask)
Favorite colors: red and black
Hair/Eye color: black/deep violet
Wardrobe colors: gray & black
Hobbies: horseback riding, Weng-Tao meditation, archaeology
Likes: balance, justice, and the occasional massage
Dislikes: hate, crowds, and the Black Empire
Symbol: the Negaverse chevron

If Onyx has a sense of humor, it's an unintentional dry wit. He can make the S/I laugh, but he doesn't realize why. Perhaps it's the naivity he has about Earth. He's still trying to relate. He sought refuge on Earth after departing a rogue planetary system in the Negaverse following the rise of the Black Empire, and under the guidance of his cat, Cosmo, he gathered the S/I together in preparation of an attack by the Black Empire.

His usual wardrobe matches his personality--dark, cold, and rigid. He wears nothing but shades of gray, and is almost always never seen without his hat, which obscures the view of his eyes. His favorite suit includes a long gray coat and trousers, a black vest and boots, a black bolo tie, and his Dark Lariat.

Special Equipment:
Dark Lariat:
This tool/weapon can be used as a whip or a lasso for everyday tasks or during battle. It has special properties that allow Onyx to change its size, length, or strength.

Age: ?
Favorite food: banana splits
Least favorite food: fish
Favorite color: red
Hair/Eye color: red/dark red
Hobbies: singing, eating, and hanging out with the sailors
Likes: luaus, buffets, and the Sailors International
Dislikes: Antarctica and the Black Empire
Symbol: the Negaverse chevron

When Cosmo first arrived on Earth, he was very serious He guarded and took authority over Onyx. It was only after discovering the S/I that he became more free-wheeling and outgoing. He's curious about Earth culture, and is always looking for a good time. He's particularly obsessed with Polynesian history and activities. (He has a large collection of Hawaiian shirts.)

Cosmo has red hair with a long neck and tail. He also has the Negaverse chevron on his forehead.

Click below for more information on:
Saior Utopia/Gina Love | Sailor Genesis/Vivika Vasin
Sailor Liberty/Trish Swift | Sailor Omega/Xhosa deMere
Sailor Enigma | Onyx & Cosmo
The Black Empire

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"Sailors International" and all related materials are original ideas by Cyberduck XP, but are based on "Sailor Moon" by Naoko Takeuchi. All references to "Sailor Moon" are copyrighted by Toei Animation, DIC, and respective trademark owners.

All thoughts and ideas expressed on this page are the intellectual properties of Evan M. Parris & DuckieWorks International, Ltd.-© 1998. (In other words, please don't take the buttons or backgrounds from this site, and if you want to use one of the images, please give me credit for it.) All other images are trademarked by their respective owners.