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Vivika Vasin
Age: 18
Birthday: October 6 (Libra)
Favorite university subject: Computer programming
Worst university subject: Art
Favorite foods: seafood and strawberries
Least favorite foods: beef and milk
Favorite colors: red and gold
Hair/Eye color: black/brown
Uniform colors: navy blue and red-orange with gold
Hobbies: making computer games, writing computer
programs and surfing the internet
Likes: technology, inventing, and concentrating for
long periods of time.
Dislikes: milk, instructions, sleeping, or other
mundane activities.
Symbol: a five-armed star similar to an asterisk (*)
Once you get to know here, she's a great person who would do
just about anything to help out a friend. However, she's
extremely introverted, and social interaction is not her
strong suit. She loves making things, though--whether it's a
game, program, or any kind of complex gizmo--she's happiest
when she's working on something. At 18, Vivika already holds
a degree from New Delhi Tech, and makes a living designing
websites for small businesses, non-profit organizations and
investors. Her identity as Sailor Genesis was discovered by
accident when she attended a Computer Expo in Osaka, Japan.
What she lacks in people skills, she makes up for in genius.
She can create or conquer almost anything technological.
Sailor Genesis is of average height, with glasses, brown
eyes and dark hair that reaches the base of her neck. Her
uniform consist of red-orange bows, a navy-blue skirt and
collar with gold trimming, navy boots, gold epaulets, and a
gold star pendant in the center of her chest.
Genesis Creation Action:
Starting from a legs together, arms extended position,
she lashes both arms downward and across her abdomen. Then,
starting from her feet upward, the uniform appears (minus
the bows). Finally, her golden pendant is thrust onto her
uniform, which produces a big flash, and the bows appear.
She spins around a couple of times, and finishes by posing
with her right leg out to the side, and her right hand
grasping her left arm.
Special Powers:
Electromagnetic Paradox:
This powerful, but costly power causes all electric and
electronic activity in the nearby area to cease. It's more
of a distraction though, considering how it usually just
leaves an enemy in the dark.
Genesis Longevity Manipulation:
This attack fluctuates the temporal activity of an
event, person, or thing. It's not really time control--more
like "fate control."
Genesis Ultimate Life Resurrection:
Like the name suggests, it can revive objects, devices,
animals, plants and (in some cases) people to a fully
functioning level. Unfortunately, this power leaves her
utterly exhausted.
Click below for more information on:
Saior Utopia/Gina
Love | Sailor Genesis/Vivika
Liberty/Trish Swift |
Omega/Xhosa deMere
Enigma | Onyx &
The Black
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